Over twenty museums and exhibition centers are part of the Abitibi Témiscamingue’s Museum Network (ATMN), and they can be visited across the 5 RCMs of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Both guardians of history and pillars of art and culture outreach, these places conceal another secret: they are great places to visit with the whole family, as fun and learning are guaranteed!
The Muséo-famille web app was created to let families know about this tour, make it their own, and ultimately get involved in a fun way! From comic avatars to itinerary planning, as well as fun quizzes, everybody can find something they like.


As of 2018, the Abitibi Témiscamingue’s Museum Network developed, in addition to the Muséo-Famille app, the Muséo-Famille label. The latter is a seal of quality awarded to the museums meeting essential requirements regarding the satisfaction of visiting families in the region. When a museum gets this label, it will display a sticker with the Muséo-Famille logo on its door.
Here is a list of museums that have qualified for the label:
- Rotary Art Center
- Forestry Interpretation Center in La Sarre
- Brother Moffet House
- Dispensaire de la Garde (Health Clinic) in La Corne
- Railway Station Museum
- The Rift
- The Hector-Authier House
- Breen Domaine
- Angliers Promoters (T. E. Draper and Gédéon Worksite)
- Fossilarium
- Rouyn-Noranda Art Museum
- The City Of Gold
- École du rang II
- Mineralogical Museum of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Guérin’s Museum
- Obadjiwan-Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site
- Dumulon General Store
- St-Georges Russian Orthodox Church
- Joseph-Bérubé Archaeological Collection
- Val-d’Or Exhibition Center
- Heritage Park
- Amos Exhibition Center.
The Muséo-famille application is part of the project named “Amélioration et Harmonisation des pratiques d’accueil des familles des musées de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue.” It was made possible thanks to the support of the Government of Quebec, the “Entente de Développement numérique des entreprises touristiques” and the “Fonds d’appui au rayonnement des régions.” The participation of all ATMN members and Hector Vallet is noteworthy.
The Abitibi Témiscamingue’s Museum Network (ATMN) is committed to the respect, in accordance with the laws of Canada and Quebec, of its obligations regarding the collection and the handling of personal data obtained through the Muséo-famille app. In addition, ATMN pledges not to share any personal data about the Museo-famille app users with any other organization. We are concerned about the privacy of your personal information and are committed to the confidentiality of the data we collect.